


In 2019 we held the first successful competition Europe & UK-wide. The Soca Music Artist known as 'Wetty Beatz' won the coveted award (EUKSM TITLE). Wetty Beatz represented France and the Caribbean Island of St Vincent and the Grenadines.  

Our history of presenting Soca Music to the UK goes back to 2004 when we created the UK Soca Music group, 'Level Crew' 

The group consisted of three main singers/entertainers; 'Carlon Simon aka (Tafasta), Amiri Howe (yaboiscarz), and Olatunji Yearwood (aka Tadow, euksm world ambassador).

Managed by Davis Deen aka (MC Coco P) was successful in touring the UK sharing the vibe and love of Soca Music everywhere. In 2018 Olatunji Yearwood successfully made it in the global 'Xfactor' UK. Supported in the background by Level Crew he successfully made it to the live show competition. He took Soca Music to a wider viewing mainstream audience.  

In 2019 we started the EUK Soca Monarch brand, to build on this further successful movement of Soca Music UK & Europe.

Since 2019, the EUK Soca Monarch Team have encouraged young emerging and unsigned artists to be their best in honing their music skills. Soca is the happy music of the Caribbean Carnivals around the World and in London Nottinghill where hundreds of Soca DJs continue to publicise the genre. Soca Music evolved in the Caribbean from Emancipation of Slavery -of Africans (using the foundation of Calypso and African traditions in musical styles) and Indentureship of Indians (using some of the rhythm/styles of the Indian classical instruments). Developed by the 'creator of Sokah,' the late 'Lord Ras Shorty' in the 1970's Trinidad and Tobago. Soca music has evolved with all the mainstream genres (you can hear collaborations and movements with; dancehall, hip-hop, zouk, chutney, afro-beats, pop etc) but retains its unique genre. Soca Music artists in the UK and Europe should join our emerging group, build a renowned platform and in popularising The Soca Music Genre retain a musical lively hood and positive reputation Worldwide.


To take part as a singer, simply leave key info for contact or enquiry

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